Costume Contest

1. Event Details: The cosplay competitions will be held exclusively on Saturday, showcased on the main stage. Winners will be determined by a panel of judges. Entrants participating in craftsmanship categories are required to undergo individual pre-judging sessions onsite in our designated cosplay room between 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM. Assigned pre-judging times will be provided upon registration.
2. Registration Process: To participate, register between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM at the Cosplay Central booth, situated within the PixelVixx Cosplay booth area. Registration must be completed by 3:00 PM sharp; late submissions will not be accepted. While costume attire is not obligatory for registration, detailed images of your cosplay are necessary if entering any craftsmanship division. Each participant may enter only one contest due to limited entries per contest.
3. Contest Categories:
- Kids Masquerade: Open to entrants aged 10 and under, showcasing their enthusiasm for character portrayal. Costumes may be store-bought or handmade. Each entrant must be accompanied by an adult during registration and the contest. The top three contestants will be awarded medals. Limited to 30 participants.
- Adult Masquerade: Open to all cosplayers, irrespective of costume origin or creation method. A less rigorous category ideal for those exploring competitive cosplay for the first time. The top three contestants will be awarded medals. Limited to 30 participants.
- Craftsmanship: Designed for cosplayers crafting their costumes from scratch, aiming to showcase their creations on stage for a chance to win. Refer to division categories below. Entries will be evaluated based on costume craftsmanship, design, construction, execution, and overall presentation. Trophies will be awarded to top contestants in each division, with a cash prize for the Best in Show. Limited to 30 participants.
4. Craftsmanship Divisions:
- Novice
- Journeyman
- Master
5. Cosplay Contest Regulations:
- Previous guests at Humble Enterprises events within the last two years are ineligible for winning to maintain fairness and avoid potential bias perceptions.
- Cosplays that have previously won awards are not eligible for entry and will be disqualified if submitted.
- Judges reserve the right to recommend reclassification to a higher division but will not demote contestants. For example, contestants with experience may be advised to move from Novice to Journeyman.
- Each Craftsmanship contestant must undergo pre-judging with the cosplay judges to be eligible for competition.
- Once division ranking is determined, contestants cannot be demoted.
- In case of commissioned work, the creator must be present.
- Misrepresentation of commissioned work as one’s own will result in disqualification.
- High-resolution character reference images and progress photos during cosplay creation are recommended for judging purposes.
- Craftsmanship contestants will be evaluated on technical skills, fit, accuracy, cosmetics, and overall presentation.
- Demonstrating stage presence is crucial; contestants are encouraged to strike poses and maintain decorum, refraining from profanity or inappropriate behavior.
- All cosplays and props must adhere to venue and convention regulations, with zero tolerance for harassment.
6. General Cosplay Rules:
- Footwear is mandatory at all times, even if the character is portrayed barefoot.
- Costumes should not expose the body indecently and must comply with venue guidelines, including the obligation to wear a shirt.
- Costumes must be maneuverable to fit through standard doorways, and adequate ventilation is required for bulky costumes to prevent overheating.
- Metal props are discouraged. They must be blunt-edged to prevent injury, with foam or plastic alternatives recommended. Their admittance to the event is at the discretion of the venue security and local law enforcement.
- Props must not emit odor, smoke, or fog, and any working props are prohibited.
- All props must be inspected and peace-bonded by security before entering the convention area.
- Any violation of peace-bonding regulations will result in immediate prop privilege revocation.
- Projectile props are strictly prohibited.
- Security reserves the right to deem any prop as dangerous or harmful, with decisions made on a case-by-case basis.
- Props should not be used in a threatening manner or for play-fighting.
- Inappropriate conduct with cameras is grounds for convention privilege removal.
- Permission should be sought before photographing cosplayers.
- These rules are subject to modification to ensure attendee safety.
- If uncertain about compliance with rules, attendees should seek clarification onsite.
To see our full harassment policy, click here